It is not with the lyre of someone in love that I go seducing people. The rattle of the leper is what sings in my hands. Jane Kenyon

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


(Photo Montage, Title "To See Not With The Eye")


"Poems take a second look at things which we often take
for granted. It leads, almost necessarily, to fresh
permutations of experience, of uncovering, of new
understanding of the old, and the familiar. This in turn
demands the expression of what we have felt and known,
but had no language to give it form and utterance. And
when we find the words it moves and expands our sensibility."
Edwin Thumboo

You gave me kestrel eyes and now
I see the horizons beyond the bend
of the globe. I see midnight infinity
with midday clarity. I see the night-
sky and I know which stars
have died because the speed
of my sight is greater than the speed
of light.I see places so far
away that the zodiac seem as near
as the pictures of a travel
guide.I see that last place
in the sky where eclipses are metaphors
because the sun behind the crystal-
ball of my mind throws not shadow
but more light on the moon
of my imagination. Because I see further
I travel further than a cartographer's
pen. Any place that cannot be imagined
is imaginary, any place that can
be imagined is not imaginary,
it is a space-station I will soon star-
trek to in my satellite spinnings.
And this is my diary, each entry
is not a man's small step in the pages
of a log-book but the heart's giant
leap in the orbits of the universe. Posted by Picasa


Plus Ultra said...

To see with the third eye, thats poetry.To see beyond the external to the eternal. To see not the cosmetics but the arithmetics of the heart. To see and hear not the heart beat but the rhythm and the rhyme of the palpitations. You need the kestrel eyes of poetry to see beyond, at those things that make life purposeful and rewarding.Ah, then you can say with me "There's Always More Beyond, Infinitely More, Amen!" Post your thoughts on this...and bless you and yours!

Masago said...

Gorgeous pic!

Pat Paulk said...

"...any place that cannot be imagined is imaginary..." excellent words!!

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing talent!! I admire your poetry and your artwork. I love art and flowers and this piece is magnificent!! WOW!! I'm so impressed! Thanks for sharing and that quote is awesome!

joey said...

i love your writing. and the artwork is so beautiful. my fav line from this piece...
"I see midnight infinity
with midday clarity. "

my vison clears as i write...


Anna Piutti said...

Your poetry is beautiful!
Of course you can add me to your links, and thank you for this!

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

PlusUltra dear, Super-Cool!

"I see the night
sky and I know which stars
have died because the speed
of my sight is greater
than the speed of light."

Comforting and distressing at the same time in a world that often is, and expects limited "one dimention".

"...the heart's giant
leap in the orbits of the universe"

Always more and beyond?
Yes, that IS the journey - for some of us.

Also, beautiful, vibrant montage - beloved subject, my colours...

Love and joy to you, Sylvia and yours

Roger Stevens said...


What vision you have...

Unknown said...

I especially like this image: "the heart's giant / leap". I am also continually stunned by the beauty of your arwork. It's a pleasure to stop by and soak up the colors.

joey said...

i'd be honored to join the ranks of your links :-)
thank you...

gulnaz said...

faboulous picture!

you are right, poetry has to go beyond the obvious using the everyday and that is why good poetry is not easy.

i loved the 'heart's giant leap'!!

CopyMe said...

maybe u should have gone in to arts la!

MB said...

any place that can
be imagined is not imaginary

Marvelous lines.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

"leap in the orbits"

Amalendu said...

lovely poem and a very nice image...

Plus Ultra said...

Yes, Jay, When I retire from Medicine, I will enroll in one of the Art Schools and later find employment as Art Director in your Company, wont that be nice, father working for his son?

Plus Ultra said...

Thanks all you kind souls for your encouragement, now I no longer write for an audience of one! Thanks, Pat, Masago, Butterfly, Joey, Roger, Chiristine (especially Christine!), Gulnaz, MB, Andrew and Amalendu, Ah, Amalendu, after this I am going to your blog! But I miss Aurora!

constance wong said...

Beautifully written, as always! Have a blessed weekend :)

Samurai said...

Thank you for your message! It's my pleasure to be linked in your blog.

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

a beautiful journey through the universe of your mind

camera shy said...

a walk in space never seemd so easy

when space is relative

i walked to get here

rch said...

Hi Dr Ng,

I agree with your statements at the beginning of the comments and I'm not sure why but it made me think of this poem I found as a forward in a book:

Hope requires the contender
Who sees no virtue in surrender.
From the cradle to the bier,
The heart must persevere.

—The Book of Counted Joys

Your artwork and poetry are both incredibly beautiful and mesh together to bring the experience to new levels of awareness. Thank you for opening my eyes anew, take care,


Anonymous said...

I liked this, especially the last four lines.

ufukhati said...

So nice, Dr.Ng.
see with the mind,
see with the heart,

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

I really like this poem. This is a winner. Great job!

Tikkis said...

>can I put u on my links
Sure, I already added Yours!

I feel happy looking your delight-coloured pictures!

Borut said...

Fascinating and inspirational poem and artwork, Plus Ultra!:) It makes me long for the unknown!! I hope the energy of this piece will help me navigate the world of imagination!:)
Thanks for visiting my new site. I’m changing my blogs so frequently that it’s really hard to keep track of me! I’m sorry!:( A combination of technical problems and my hide-and-seek kind of personality!:) My Alchemy of Happiness is already on your link list. My latest blog, the Generous Miser, can be found via View my Complete Profile. Of course, I would be very happy if you could add it to your links since this is currently my only English blog that is active. It is kind of ‘experimental’ – a one-haiku-blog!? Very ephemeral!?:) I don’t know how long it will last!?:) If I may, I’ll add you blog to A Metaphysical Clown, my previous blog, which is linked to the Generous Miser that I would like to keep, for the time being, as ‘empty and transitory’ as possible!?:)

~Nitoo Das~ said...

You sound like a modern day Blake. :)
Such transcendental vision!

krystyna said...

I love your poem and picture. I am really impressed. Your introductions to readers are very needful and interesting. Thanks!
Best wishes to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dr. Ng, I am here, I am here! :)

This is absolutely my favourite illustration of yours, and the poem is fantastic! Excellent work, as always.

Plus Ultra said...

River, If I could write just a little like you, I will feel very fulfilled, your words are really very kind and much appreciated. Yes, Aurora, I found you or you me, it is so difficult when you dont run a personal blog, so please start one, soon, like right now!!! Thanks Constance, May He continue to anoint you powerfully! Thanks Samurai, I really like those Japanese paintings...Thanks Sue, Camera Shy, rch, bluesky-liz( one of the best from Singapore!),ufukhati (Great Bahasa Malaysia poet, author), Don, Tikkis, Borut, Krystyna, Jon....for the encouragement

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with you in the third eye: absolutely.

wonderful image as usual.

Anonymous said...

You have one of the most beautiful blogs I've ever seen. You are truly blessed with a marvelous talent for artistry. I'm honored that you want to add me to your links! You're more than welcome to do so. I'll add you to my site as well. Woohoo! =)

floots said...

couldn't agree more
beautifully done
"i travel furhter than a cartograper's pen" loved it

Anonymous said...

>can I put u on my links

No problem. I enjoyed your blog—a wonderful combination of poetry and art.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading the poem. Especially liked:

"I see the night-
sky and I know which stars
have died because the speed
of my sight is greater than the speed
of light."

Wonderful imagery. Thanks for the post.

Plus Ultra said...

Thanks Paula, it is a coincidence that you had a picture (?collage) entitled "An eye here,An eye there"...should have borrowed that picture from you to be put at the beginning of this poem!Perhaps I can try to put it in the links. Irene, your recent posts were really art form of a wonderful kind, lovely always to be edified, encouraged! Thanks, Floots, Thanks S.Butterfly and Sam I meet you again...going to your blog next!

Plus Ultra said...

Hi CTY of Kluang, I havent heard from you for quite a while other than the short meetings at the clinic...the only solution is for you to start a blog!

Anonymous said...

Rest assured though you may not had heard from me and also i do not
had my own blog - your AlwaysMoreBeyong - is one site i
will not miss when i am on line.

And hello, Kluang folks do join in,
leave your comment and in times to
come we will all be happier.

Unique Designs from Zazzle said...


Plus Ultra said...

Thanks Shane, CTY you are very kind and you never let me down, may I prove to be just as faithful! I am glad you are enjoying my "stuff" is not everyone's cup of "teh tarik" and "roti chanai"...perhaps I owe you a treat of that!

M. Shahin said...

Wow! This is beautiful...even that cannot describe it fully. You craft these words amazingly. It is my favorite of your work so far.

Prmod Bafna said...

That is one heightened account of the perceptive sense! Beautiful write!!

serenity said...

Another beauty. Your fountain of inspiration is never ending. Bless you for sharing your beautiful heart.

iamnasra said...

I see places so far
away that the zodiac seem as near
as the pictures of a travel

I read your poetry and here I comprehend that poetry is not just the scribling words over the images in my mind...its a journey of the soul that words have still not reached

Thank you ...
I hope u got my email

no name said...

I loved this to bits! It's so utterly poetic... Magneficient!... awe-inspiring :)

I have known poetry to reach out with its truth & penetrate with its radiant beauty in any heart that is open to it... it's hard to explain but its a bit like a quote I read in a book*, which goes something like: "soul gets from soul that Knowing" ... makes any sense? :)

(book*: And The Sky is Not the Limit by Amantullah Armstrong)

no name said...

...This is one of those poems I'd want to learn by heart and read aloud to a dear friend!

mrdes said...

Hi, i am a first visitor but was caught entralled. Personally I like especially the last line:"And this is my diary, each entry is not a man's small step in the pages of a log-book but the heart's giantleap in the orbits of the universe" I like to think there is a universe in each of us. Thanks for the pleasure of your poetry.

Medusa aka expiringpoet said...

One of your best Plus. C'est magnifique! I read it to my husband and we both enjoyed it immensely.

Thank you for this fantastic piece!