(Photo Montage, "The Real Image")
On the Sixth Day......
"I had unwittingly stumbled upon a universal image. The meaning that another person had "read into" that image was the real meaning: and as soon as I was shown it, I accepted it...I am here to admit that I did not see the full meaning of what I was writing: I am here to admit that, when the full meaning was "read into it", I was ready to accept and acknowledge that meaning for the real meaning."
Dorothy Sayers
He is a David Blaine, his wand
is pen that writes a sleight-of-hand
language, his incantations are words
that bypass the intellect to arrive
at the heart.
Effortlessly he conjures up sudden
images: A card. A coin. A dove
in flight. A bouquet of flowers.
But the magic is not
in his clever tricks, it is in my
seeing beyond the illusions.
See what I see when the curtain
is rent. This playing card is no
plaything, it is the quick card cutting
me to the quick for not seeing
beyond the runes. See, am I not
the lost coin, now found
whose worth is greater than the widow's
two mites? See, am I not
the tossed denarius, caught in the fish's
mouth, unconcerned about the use
I've been put to as long
as I serve a Master greater
than Mormon? Is the dove not
the bird of the heart set free
from the prison of my ribcage
by the dropping of the kerchief
of words? And surely this bouquet
of roses caught in the bramble
of his gloved fingers is the dew
and fragrance of a near Eden!
I have no need to see
David Blaine levitate, I'm Icarus
flying to the sun, not fearful
that my reading of your poetry will wax
and wane.
(Happy New Year, the seventh in the series is in
incubation, I hope to complete it in 2-3 weeks.)

The Meaning of a Poem...it all depends on the reader who reads and interprets what I have written, when the reader tells me the meaning of what I have written,I accept his interpretation (although that may diifer from what I intended!!!)as the correct one, and now the poem no longer belongs to me but to him and my poem has now taken residence in his heart and in his life!! It is only when this happens that my mission as a poet is complete! Happy New year, 2007, May your hearts' desires came to pass, may all that you put your hands upon prosper exceedingly. Happy New Year, Tans in Green Meadow, Chins in Glasgow, Kongkong miss you!!!
Wonderful! There is so much richness and so many layers in this one. May 2007 be a wonderful year for you and yours, Dr. Ng.
That was beautiful as always.
As I reflect on the good things that happened in Blogyear 2006, I realize that discovering your blog was one of the things I am thankful for!
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! =)
Happy New Year, ks
A beautiful and powerful start in your words.
Hi plus ultra, here's wishing you and your family a beautiful and blessed new year :)
Happy New Year, Kianseng. I read and enjoyed; will be back for a second rad and my meaning.
Hi and Happy New Year to you, too!
I came in to feast my eyes on your beautiful montages. It's a delight to see a new one up!
We all see with different eyes. It's amazing how the same words can have so many different meanings. Love it!!
The Net in Malaysia is sooo slooow, the earthquake in Taiwan snapped under-water cables and we are having problems just trying to assess blogs, even retrieving e-mail and comments is such a tedious process that I literally give up, but I am glad to see Aurora again the first to get to my new posting, Happy New Year Aurora!
Happy New Year to you.
Beautiful image, as always. You are such an inspiration and such a joy. Your words are so beautiful. We are the beneficiaries of your beauty in prose and in art. Thank you for your generosity in sharing of your beautiful Spirit.
Peace, joy and Love be with you and your family in 2007 and beyond.
Happy New Year-sorry you're having such a rough time over there. Beautiful poem
Beautiful stuff!! Have a lovely new year :)
magic in those words, plus. i read those without blinking an eye, in case i miss a line. :)
i hope things are getting back to normal in Malaysia, especially Johor, after the havoc caused by the foul weather.
Happy New Year, Plus Ultra. May the inner meaning of your poetry reach us, enrich us and bring all of us peace!
I have switched to a new Blog...I would be pleased if you would now link 'Hammer And Tong...'. Thank You!
hope this comment get through as I'm not too sure what happened to the earlier one that just dissappeared after I click publish.
Everything's well at your end plus ultra? Quite worried as I suddenly remembered that I have a blogger friend from Kluang, Johore...really hope you and your family are not badly affected by the flood....
Ya.. once a poet puts the word together, interpretation keeps moving away from "the self" and mingles in the vastness...
It is lovely Dr. Ng...
My town Kluang was affected by the FLOODS...the first hit us before Christmas and the second just two weeks ago!I had to go to my clinic at 2am in the morning to rescue my Xray Machine, the devastation was terrible ...I did a stint at a relief centre attending to the sick and my heart was broken for them, it is always the poor who are badly affected...there is talk of a third wave coming and it has bee raining heavily today...sorry folks I havent had time to go to your blogs....I am also busy computerising at the clinic and setting up another blog..you might want to check it out at
My town Kluang was affected by the FLOODS...the first hit us before Christmas and the second just two weeks ago!I had to go to my clinic at 2am in the morning to rescue my Xray Machine, the devastation was terrible ...I did a stint at a relief centre attending to the sick and my heart was broken for them, it is always the poor who are badly affected...there is talk of a third wave coming and it has bee raining heavily today...sorry folks I havent had time to go to your blogs....I am also busy computerising at the clinic and setting up another blog..you might want to check it out at
Sorry to hear it, Plus Ultra! I only hope the rain will stop and thing will return to normal! These are strange times... Good luck with whatever you do!
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