It is not with the lyre of someone in love that I go seducing people. The rattle of the leper is what sings in my hands. Jane Kenyon

Monday, August 21, 2006




I have a thread / round each wrist /
which I know I can unstitch / anytime I
wish. / Hands freed, thumb crossed, /fingers
restless as wings, / I have become that
crow / roosting in my dreams.
From the poem 'notes for a suicide' by
Felix Cheong

My marriage was a match
that unmade me, my husband
has Malaria of the mind.
But I will make my own
escape, fly away, like Icarus
from this medieval maze
of the Minotaur. My husband
is no myth and you will
never know him until you break
the code of my silence
and decipher the writing
on the war and the Braille
copy of it on the paper
of my flesh. Read then,
with your fingers the abrasions,
bruises, contusions, dislocations,
ecchymosis, fractures, gashes,
haematomas, indurations, wounds.
My husband is two nations
warring within one continent,
the divided, the split,
the cleaved. Sometimes he's the potter
I'm the Ming vase shaped
on the wheel of his fury.
Most times he is the bull
in the shop of my ceramic heart.
Twentieth floor high but I believe
I can fly. It is midnight
and there is no sun to melt
the wax of my wings
but does it really matter
when I'm already a bruised



(Art Work: "Paper Batik", wax and water colour,
entitled 'A Broken China', 2i August 2006 ) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

WOW, Dr. Ng, this is a fantastic, poignant, jarring write! Well done!

Plus Ultra said...

Aurora, you are always too kind!

Margie said...

Very amazing and incredible!
Another WOW!

Cold Cut Ten said...

Tragic story. A lot of poems have been written on this subject, but I like how you compare the scars to Braille. Another way of looking at it: a lot of people don't notice or choose not to see these things. So I thought that that is an indirect reference to blindness of those around the narrator and her husband.

Also, to liken her husband to being "two nations warring within" is excellent. It's like she's excusing her husband and saying he has some sort of split personality disorder.

I enjoyed this very much

Pris said...

Absolutely wonderful!!!

dumbdodi said...

Dear Plus Ultra

While growing up everything in India glorified west but only recently have I started looking towards east. China a great country with great history, successful present and promising future.
And you have described the political turmoil so well, your painting captures the chaos and the pain well too.
The lines from 'Notes of Suicide' shook me
Thank you

Borut said...

A strange title. Reminds me of my first love, who was a bull, astrologically. Replacing he by she, just for a moment!?

'Most times she is the bull in the shop of my ceramic heart’.

This is how one of her friends who was there at the time described her departure: ‘She just went to pieces.’

dsnake1 said...

powerful stuff, plus!

sometimes we wondered if this can be avoided. I think there is a volunteer organisation in your country that looks into such matters like battered wives and missing persons.

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Being in the shoes of another... just like aurora antonovic "WOW" plus ultra,
it comes easy to you, does it?
It must also bring much pain to you.

This paper batik you painted also uses the wax technique, hmmm - I experimented a bit for the first time, and altough it did not work out as planned, it worked out for the best.
Posted it this am.

Joy to you

Natalia L. Rudychev said...

Very powerful!
I'll be back to read it again.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

I agree with Aurora. Spectacular! Very well done. Thank you.

polona said...

wonderful work on a difficult theme. poignant, disturbing, and yet beautiful. thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

thanks. and you most certainly can add me. :)

Plus Ultra said...

Angeldust...first use wax to draw a tentative picture, make waxy lines thick and vary with thin, then coat the whole paper with water, throw paint very quickly and allow the colours to run into each other, finally touch up where you want to, you really need to work very fast and you have little control, the painting paints you, not you the painting!Dont try to picture what you want to draw.Let the picture form from the right brain....

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT form- WOW poem w/ art
Content is too far ignored in our societies.
Battered, abused women need help.
"like broken china"- tears are falling-

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I love how the end is printed out!

Ash said...

Very touching and beautiful.
The artwork is wonderful.....

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Thank you so much Plus Ultra.

I'll try with the materials I got at home... I believe your wax is liquid? Hmmm
Too bad its late now and I am tired.

Joy to you

Prmod Bafna said...

Fabulous art work and a tugging write so delicately put out! Nicely done :)

Pat Paulk said...

WOW! All too sad a reality. Masterfully written!!

Plus Ultra said...

Hi Angeldust, not liquid wax, that gives you a sharp edge, get an ordinary candle that has been discarded, vary your pressure and you get thick.. and thin lines with uneven edges or use crayons to give your lines colours!!!

Thanks for coming by, prmod, ash, jon, andrew and silvermoon...I will see you all on your blogs...

no name said...

Awe-some! :)

Anonymous said...

wow....this is truthfully beautiful. its beautiful because of the honesty and the pain and discomfort that is expressed. very touching. tugs at my heart.

Plus Ultra said...

Thanks, it is lovely to hear from both of you, merryweather and beautiful uban butterfly! I am working on a poem about patients in psychiatric cruel we are sometimes to such normal people! One may have depression or OCD but he or she is no lesser than one with Hypertension or Diabetes....

Unknown said...

The art is fabulous and conveys a sense of loss that suits the poem. The melting wings of Icarus and the idea of what can break has always interested me.

Amalendu said...

A beautifully crafted poem...
You have wounderful poems and painting in your blog Dr. Ng

Plus Ultra said...

Christine, thanks, you are kind and I am always wondering whether I have crafted a poem well enough to warrant a comment from you and getting one is reward enough!!!And that is because I know what an excellent poet you are, way ahead of the rest of us, miles!

C... said...

Broken China! That gave me goose bumps. Great.

Plus Ultra said...

Thanks c for coming by, went to your blog, interesting, will go back for a longer read....

camera shy said...

quite moving

that which is most moving
often is most delicate
in stature

on the edge of

even poetry
most occupy this
to be good.

Plus Ultra said...

Wow Camera shy, if we can be triggers that make others write, our blogs would have serve their purposes, thank you for that lovely response, sometimes the response can be even better that the original that trigger it!!!

thanks shyamalee for coming by, I am going to your blog after this!

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

rattling indeed and evocativefu

floots said...

pat already said it - masterful
great piece

Kuan Gung said...

Great verse full of wisdom...thank you...

Plus Ultra said...

Anybody knows the url of Velma Pickle, I cannot trace her...also Janet from Canada..perhaps they have not made their blogs public.

Anonymous said...

Incredibly captivating read.

I also love the latest series of pictures, wonderful abstracts.

sangeet said...

Great art and poetry Kianseng!
I love your blog!