It is not with the lyre of someone in love that I go seducing people. The rattle of the leper is what sings in my hands. Jane Kenyon

Wednesday, September 03, 2008



Today as I skip to the rhythm

of nursery rhymes and hop-scotch from Narnia

stories to fairy tales, I see a rainbow.

Perhaps because I have never seen

Jacob’s ladder, I imagine the rainbow

a Rapunzel’s braid of coloured hair,

and leaving behind my toys of gold

I climb it to reach the door-less

castle of the sky.

Perhaps it is something else, I think

God, in a moment of Disneyland fun

throws paints into the sky and then

rain – colours them into a rainbow.

And the ends of the rainbow

are like God’s two hands, holding

the pots of gold of my sister

and I, inviting us to play

1 comment:

Good Health Blog said...

how touching and fantastic writing