It is not with the lyre of someone in love that I go seducing people. The rattle of the leper is what sings in my hands. Jane Kenyon

Friday, June 16, 2006

Do You Know Ern Malley?

Ern Malley

“What they seem not to have heard of is the very real existence
of the Muse and the belief attested to by true poets that on every occasion of writing a poem, the poet is in effect invoking her presence, which becomes manifest in the persona that inhabits and “speaks” the poem. Rimbaud wrote in awe, almost in terror, of that presence outside the self in the famous letter to his teacher Izambard: “Je est un autre” (literally, “I is an other”).Wong Phui Nam in “On Invoking the Muse”

Ern Malley
is no shrunken interloper
who scours dead men’s dreams
for visions of the living.
He creates art out of the
ashes of mental verbiage.

He is in me,
yet more than me,
the sum total of my being
is a hill beside this mountain
that steals through the
maze of the unfathomable
outback of my mind.

He is the paranormal that peels
away the façade of pretence
from the material world
plumbs the dark secrets
of the fourth dimension
sees the quintessence of my soul
& translates the forbidden
& sacred into living verse.

He is the white swan
that treads on my familiar
unreflecting waters.


Plus Ultra said...

I begin a series of poems on the mechanics of writing verses, the muse that is the paranormal, the inspiration....leave your comments, that may be a muse of another kind and it may amused!

Anonymous said...

Your left brain tells you what you are, your right shows you what you can be, telling you there is always more beyond the horizon.....